we often forget that the most important relationship we have is the one we have with ourselves
Even though it may sound self-indulgent, prioritizing self-compassion and self-care has some serious benefits for our mental and physical health. Being kind to ourselves lowers anxiety and helps foster grit and resilience.
Practicing self-compassion during these uncertain times builds an inner sense of safety and strengthens the knowing that you actually do have control over how you choose to feel.
So let’s open up our hearts and perspective to honor ourselves and the love that is our true nature and frequency. What's more, investing time in taking care of yourself isn't just good for you but others around you as well.
A loving relationship with yourself can have a ripple effect on others. Research shows that compassion is contagious and that others can pick up on your emotional state through mirror neurons.
In addition, by being more attuned to your emotional needs, you'll able to strengthen your emotional intelligence and empathic skills and can read other people’s feelings better and tend to their needs.
These effects can have a huge impact on the quality of both your personal and professional relationships—helping you foster deep meaningful connections with friends and loved ones. They can even help create motivating and productive work environments.
The more you refuel and recharge yourself through self-love and self-care practices the better you will feel, and that’s what I’m all about! You deserve to feel really good about yourself and your life!